READ Genesis 12:10-20, Genesis 20, Genesis 26:1-11 This KISS explores the importance noting humor in the Bible by focusing on a few funny episodes in Genesis. Music – Funny Song –
READ Genesis 12:10-20, Genesis 20, Genesis 26:1-11 This KISS explores the importance noting humor in the Bible by focusing on a few funny episodes in Genesis. Music – Funny Song –
Read Genesis 2-3 This KISS Bible Study takes us through a look at the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with a particular focus on the issue of gender inequality (complimentarianism as its advocates call it) that has been argued from this story. Of particular importance will be the conclusion were…
READ John 8:1-11 This KISS Bible Study challenges us to think about the question “what did Jesus do?” and the follow up question “how will I react to that?” Cover image from (a great resource, fyi)Music – “slowmotion” –
READ Isaiah 40 This KISS takes us through a couple of the issues with translation of a popular verse (Isaiah 40:30-31) and shows us some of the implications for what the verse can mean to us in light of those translation issues. It features singing from LaThelma C. Armstrong and video footage by Milan Reed.…
READ Mark 8:31-9:1 This KISS Bible Study teaches us to take a lesson from how Jesus talks about his own death and the death of his followers. Clip – Body and Soul (1947) Music –
This KISS Bible Study explores the years of Jesus’ life between his birth and adult ministry so that we can take lessons on how to grow into a person like Jesus. Since the basis for this KISS is conjectures and not actual scriptures about these years in Jesus’ life, there is not a Bible reading…
KISS Bible Study is back for Season 2, ’nuff said. Music-Retro Soul from
READ Matthew 14 This KISS Bible Study offers an additional understanding of faith by seeing how Jesus often describes faith in the gospels. Learn about what faith means, what it looks like, and how to apply it to your life.
READ Psalm 103 This KISS Bible Study explores the concept of the redeemer in the Hebrew Bible and what it means for us to understand God as our redeemer.
Read Exodus 1:1-2:10 This KISS Bible Study explores the story of a handful of biblical heroes in order to challenge some of the ways our society perpetually belittles the entire female gender.
Read Matthew 11:28-30 In this KISS Bible Study, learn what Jesus meant by his “yoke” according to the context of the a first century rabbi. Take this insight and apply it to your life.
Read Matthew 11:1-6 This KISS Bible Study explores Jesus’ interaction with John’s disciples while John the Baptist is in prison. Not only do we see how important it is to really know the Old Testament in order to get what’s going on in the New Testament, but Jesus also shows us a very tough lesson…
(THE TITLE, LIKE THE CONTENT, IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK) READ Isaiah 66:1-16 In this KISS Bible Study, learn what the Ketiv Qere tradition is and how this tradition (that we unconsciously subscribe to) establishes a precedent for us to be more intentional about using feminine metaphorical language for God.
READ Matthew 28 and John 21:1-19 This KISS Bible Study corrects a common misconception about Jesus and his disciples. By seeing discipleship according to Jesus’ culture and time we open ourselves up to new dimensions of understanding the New Testament and our calling.
READ PROVERBS 8 and 9 This KISS Bible Study explores our peculiar aversion to sex in scripture and what can be learned when we acknowledge the sex that’s there.
READ Habakkuk 2 Is idolatry really a thing today? Check out the latest KISS BS for some new perspective on an old problem.
READ John 9:1-12 This KISS Bible Study explores Jesus’ unique perspective in John 9 and how we can adopt this way of thinking in our own lives.
READ THE BOOK OF JONAH! It’s four chapters, it’s interesting, and you’ll be able to say you finished a whole book of the Bible in 10 minutes. This KISS Bible Study explores how Jonah 3 breaks from our philosophical notions of God’s omniscience in order to teach us a profound lesson.
This KISS Bible Study explores the Proverbs 3:3-4 to show the deeper meaning of the Hebrew language used in this verse and the metaphorical language it employs.
READ Psalm 77 (fyi verses 5 and 11 use Qedem) This KISS Bible Study gives us a preview into how Ancient Israel conceived of its own geography with a specific focus on showing the ideologies that are behind how we see the world. This understanding can serve as a good basis for further insights in…
READ GENESIS 9:18-29 “If you want something done right…” Rather than merely criticizing Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel for their mishandling of race in the Noah Movie, this KISS Bible Study addresses the complex history of Genesis 9:20-27 in an interpretation that rejects the so called “Curse of Ham” without ignoring race.
READ GENESIS 1:29-30; 2:15-17; and 8:20-9:5 When it comes to what we eat, what does the Bible have to say? This KISS Bible Study focuses on the early chapters of Genesis for a unique perspective.
READ GENESIS 7:1-24 The Noah movie brings into question Noah’s character, but what about Noah in the Bible itself? Obviously, Aronofsky took a lot of creative license when making the film, but do we have any reason to question if Noah in the Bible was doing the right thing?
READ GENESIS 6:9-22 Explore God’s relationship with the animal world through the flood story (Genesis 6-9).
READ GENESIS 8:20-9:17 With the new Noah movie coming out, these first five KISS Bible Studies will focus on different elements of the Noah story. Here is the first installment in the series, a chance to look at God’s grace in the covenant after the flood… when God retired his jersey.