
READ Genesis 12:10-20, Genesis 20, Genesis 26:1-11 This KISS explores the importance noting humor in the Bible by focusing on a few funny episodes in Genesis. Music – Funny Song –

Adam and Eve & Our Textual Abuse of Women

Read Genesis 2-3 This KISS Bible Study takes us through a look at the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with a particular focus on the issue of gender inequality (complimentarianism as its advocates call it) that has been argued from this story. Of particular importance will be the conclusion were…

The Whole White World

READ GENESIS 10:1-32 The way biblical media usually depicts race in the Bible is just plain wrong. This KISS Bible uses Aronofsky’s Noah movie as a test case to explore the problems with how race appears in biblical media, why it is a big deal, and what we can learn from all this.